Our Founders
Harry and Pam Turner started Cytec in 1981 and always joked that they did it to support their sailboat. Harry had spent his life as an engineer and had become involved with switching systems while working at Cunningham Crossbars. After he envisioned using reed relays to build improved systems he struck out on his own and formed a company called A.D. Data Systems. A.D. Data systems was later sold and Harry intended to semi-retire as a consultant. Working as a consultant gave him a new approach to switching designs and he reentered the manufacturing field with his wife Pamela and started Cytec. Their early success with modular MX systems and LX Series, which was the first in the industry with true LED indication of latched switch points, established Cytec in the switching system field. Listening to customers and giving them what they asked for through innovative design has allowed Cytec to succeed to this day and some of the original product designs are still popular.