Each switch module has 8 separate 4×4 matrix sections which may be interconnected to form a variety of larger configurations when used in the HDX chassis. Most commonly used for Nx4, and Nx4xM configurations. Uses D37S ( Socket ) connectors and type A armature relays with the following specs:
Economical, high density, passive, bidirectional switch matrices. Each chassis holds up to 2048 two pole Type A relays. Switch Modules are sold separately.
Each module has a single D37 female connector and can be configured as a 16×8, dual 8×8, four 4×8’s or left as eight 2×8’s.
Each switch module has two D37 socket connectors and is configured as a 32×4 two wire matrix. Modules can be connected together in the 32 or 4 direction to build larger systems with better bandpass specifications.