Command Syntax

All commands are executed when a valid End of LIne Character (EOL) is received.

Valid End of Line Characters are:

  • CR (\r) LAN or RS232
  • LF or NL (\n) LAN or RS232
  • CR and END  IEEE488(GPIB)
  • LF/NL and END  IEEE488(GPIB)

 Matrixsize command sets the matrix size. The syntax for this command is:

matrixsize mtx# #mods #rlys

mtx#:  For mainframes this is 0, for Mesa expansion systems this is the matrix number for the expansion chassis.

#mods:  The maximum number of modules for the chassis.

#rlys:  The maximum number of relays per module.

Example: matrixsize 0 16 8   Sets the # of modules to 16 and the maximum number of relays per module to 8 for a mainframe chassis (mtx is 0).

Typing matrixsize and hitting the enter key will return the current settings and chassis type(for Mesa systems all of the expansion chassis settings will be returned as a list).

Answerback: Returns a 1 or 0 when a command is completed successfully or an error code when there is a problem. 

  • A 0 73     Turns Answerback Off
  • A 1 73     Turns Answerback On
Echo: Echoes the characters back to your screen while you type when using serial communication.
  • E 0 73     Turns Echo Off
  • E 1 73     Turns Echo On

Verbose: Verbose causes the system to return more specific information when you request status or read answerback characters. It is sometimes helpful when troubleshooting but it slows the interface down a lot. While there may occasionally be a good reason to turn on Verbose during a Hyperterm session, it is almost never used in a programmatic interface. All of the same information can be generated in code based on the non-verbose responses without slowing down the RS232 interface.

  • V 0 73     Turns Verbose Off
  • V 1 73     Turns Verbose On
P Commands (Except for communications settings these are set at the factory to the correct value for your system and should not need to be altered)
  • P0 n 73     Set maximum number of matrices to ‘n’. For Mainframes n = 1, for Mesa Control n = number of expansion chassis
  • P6 n 73     n can be 1 or 0. 1 turns RTS/CTS handshaking on, 0 turns RTS/CTS handshaking off. This setting only applies to serial communication.
  • P7 n 73     n can be 1 or 0. 1 turns Use RAM on, 0 turns Use RAM off.
  • P8 n 73     n can be 0 to 6. Sets the default list (configuration) to load at power up if Use RAM is on.
  • P10 n 73   Set maximum number of modules to ‘n’  for a Mainframe system. For Mesa Systems sets the maximum number of modules for  Matrix 0;
  • P11 n 73   Set maximum number of modules in Matrix 1 of a Mesa System to ‘n’.
  • P12 n 73   Set maximum number of modules in Matrix 2 of a Mesa System to ‘n’.
  • P13 n 73   Set maximum number of modules in Matrix 3 of a Mesa System to ‘n’.
  • P14 n 73  Set GPIB address to ‘n’.  n can be 0 to 31.
  • P19 n 73  Set the baud number to ‘ n’.  See RS232 configuration section for corresponding baud rate to baud number.
  • P20 n 73   Set maximum number of relays to ‘n’  for a Mainframe system. For Mesa Systems sets the maximum number of relays for  Matrix 0;
  • P21 n 73  Set maximum number of relays in Matrix 1 of a Mesa System to ‘n’.
  • P22 n 73  Set maximum number of relays in Matrix 2 of a Mesa System to ‘n’.
  • P23 n 73  Set maximum number of relays in Matrix 3 of a Mesa System to ‘n’.
  • P90 n 73  Set the system ID number to ‘n’. Used in large systems to differentiate between chassis.

L,U,X – Latch, Unlatch, Multiplex Commands

Syntax: Cmd Switch
Cmd Module, Switch
Cmd Matrix, Module, Switch
The specified switchpoint is operated on. Note:For mainframe systems the matrix number will be 0.

(Cmd = ‘L’, ‘U’ or ‘X’)
L = Latch = Turn switch ON Closes the specified point, all others unaffected.
U = Unlatch = Turn switch OFF Opens the specified point, all others are unaffected.
X = Multiplex = Clear + Latch Opens all points, then Latches the specified point.

E.g. “U0 2 3” Matrix 0, Module 2, Switch 3 is opened. (OFF)
“L0 4 3” Matrix 0, Module 4, Switch 3 is closed. (ON)
“L0 1” Module 0, Switch 1 is closed. (ON)
“L2 13 7” Matrix 2, Module 13, Switch 7 is closed. (ON)
“X0 3 0” Clear all switch points ( turn them all OFF ) then Latch Matrix 0, Module 3, Switch 0.

Note that the X command cannot be used if you need more than one switch on at a time. There is not a X command that only works on a single module.

If a single integer value is sent, the control module assumes it is a switch value and defaults to the last module value sent. If two integers are sent, the control module assumes they are a module and switch value and defaults to the last matrix value sent.

E.g. “L3 2 3” Matrix 3, Module 2, Switch 3 is closed (ON). Then,
“L1 4” Assumes Matrix 3. Matrix 3, Module 1, Switch 4 is closed (ON). Then,
“L5” Assumes Matrix 3, Module 1. Matrix 3, Module 1, Switch 5 is closed (ON).

Some Cytec programming examples may refer to Mod #, Rly # ( Relay #). The terms Switch (Sw) and Relay (Rly) mean the same thing. For Unidirectional matrix switches, specifically DX, DXM, VDX, VDM and TX, the Module # may be thought of as Input #, and the Switch or Relay # may be thought of as the Output #.

C – Clear Command

Syntax: Cmd
Cmd Matrix
Cmd Matrix, Module

E.g. “C” All switches in the system are opened.
“C3” Clears Matrix 3.
“C0 2” Clears Matrix 0, Module 2.

The Status and Interrogate commands return information to the user so they can determine what state each switch point is in before proceeding. The commands can be used to simply check the switch configuration, to verify connections, or to prevent unwanted connections. The information returned by these commands can be different depending on what type of system you have. Please find the Status or Interrogate section for your specific system before writing code that is dependent on the returned values.

S – Status Command

S :Returns Status of entire mainframe chassis
SMatrix# Module# :Returns Status of specified module #
SMatrix# Module# Switch# : Returns Status of specified switchpoint

Status may be requested of a single switch point or for the entire chassis. After receipt of the Status command the Matrix will return a character or string of characters representing the status, open or closed, of a switch point or switch points. A one, ‘1’, signifies a closed switch point (ON) and a zero, ‘0’, an open switch point (OFF).

In the case of a single switch point Status a single character is returned followed by an end of line.

For multiple switch points, a stream of 1’s and 0’s will be returned. How they are returned and what they mean is dependent on the type of system.

Status return is broken down into four different groups:

Status Returned Values with 8 to 32 drives ( any model designated as xxx/16 or xxx/32 )

These Models Include:

    • CXAR/16 and /32
    • CXM/16 and /32
    • HXV/16 and HXV/32
    • RS/8 or /16
    • GX/4 or /8 or /16 or /32
    • FO/16 or /32

Model numbers are shown on the rear panel label. If the model number is simply an integer such as “6754” you should reference the addendum for the system or contact Cytec with questions if you do not know what it is returning.

The S command sent by itself will return a continuous string of 16 or 32 1’s and 0’s followed by the answerback character ( if on ) and the end of line character. The string is ordered from lowest value switch to highest value switch.

E.g. for a CXAR/32 chassis
Send: “S”
Receive: “000100010000000000001100000000010” eol 32 switch points + Answerback + EOL
This is interpreted as Switches 3, 7, 20, 21 and 30 are ON, the rest are OFF. In Module#, Switch # syntax this is:
Mod 0, Switches 3 and 7 are ON.
Mod 1, no switches are ON.
Mod 2, Switches 3 and 4 are ON.
Mod 3, Switch 7 is ON.
All other switches are OFF.
If the Answerback function is on, the last 1 or 0 before the EOL will be the Answerback character and the value is a “don’t care”. If Answerback + termination character is ON, there will also be the termination character [].

Status Returned Values 64 to 512 drives ( any model designated as xxx/64, xxx/128, xxx/256, xxx/512 )

These Models Include:

  • LXA or LXB ( all )
  • CXAR/64, /128 or /256
  • CXB systems ( all )
  • CXG, CXF, CXS systems ( all )
  • CXM/64, /128 or /256
  • HXV/96 or /128, or /256
  • RSM ( all )
  • RJM ( all )
  • JX ( all )
  • VX ( all )
  • PX ( all )
  • GX/64 or /128
  • FO/64 or /128
    Model numbers are shown on the rear panel label. If the model simply an integer such as “6754” you should see the addendum for the system or contact Cytec with questions if you do not know what it is returning.

The S command sent by itself will return a row / column pattern of 1’s and 0’s that mimic the LED display on the front panel (if equipped ), where the columns are the Module # and the Rows are the Switch #.

Eg. for a 16 Module, 8 Switch Matrix ( your configuration may be different):
Send: S
“0001000100000000” eol Switch 0 on Modules 3 and 7 closed
“0000000000000000” eol Switch 1, open on all modules
“1111111111111111” eol Switch 2, closed on all modules
“1000000000000001” eol Switch 3 on Modules 0 and 15 closed
“1010101010101010” eol Switch 4 on odd Modules closed
“0101010101010101” eol Switch 5 on even Modules closed
“0110000000000000” eol Switch 6 on Modules 1 and 2 closed
“0000000000000110” eol Switch 7 on Modules 13 and 14 closed
“0” eol Answerback character

If the Answerback function is on, the last 1 or 0 before the EOL will be the Answerback character and the value is a “don’t care”. If Answerback + termination character is ON, there will also be the termination character [].

Status Returned Values RJV Systems
RJV systems are unique and the returned status is specific to those systems. Skip this section if you do not have an RJV/48 or RJV/144 system.

Response to “S” command: A line of ones and zeros will be returned for each switch module in the system. For the RJV/48 there will be four rows of 1’s or 0’s. For the RJV/144 there will be 12 rows of 1’s or 0’s. Each line returned will be followed by an end of line (EOL). For LAN and RS232 interfaces there may also be an Answerback character before the EOL if Answerback is enabled.

At the end of all output rows an end of line will be sent for both interfaces. See the command completion and answerback sections for details.

Eg. 1 An RJV/48 with four 12×1 Modules:
Send: S

“000100000000” eol Module 0, Switch 3 closed
“000000000000” eol Module 1, none closed
“000000001000” eol Module 2, Switch 8 closed
“100000000000” eol Module 3, Switch 0 closed
“0” eol Answerback character

Eg. 2 An RJV/48 with four 4(1×2) Modules

Send: S

“100100000000” eol Module 0, C0-NO, C1-NC, C2-NC, C3-NO
“000000000000” eol Module 1, C0-NC, C1-NC, C2-NC, C3-NC
“011000000000” eol Module 2, C0-NC, C1-NO, C2-NO, C3-NC
“111100000000” eol Module 3, C0-NO, C1-NO, C2-NO, C3-NO
“0” eol Answerback character

Note: If the system is set to max mods = 4 and max relays = 12 (the default setting for RJV/48 Mainframes) then the last 8 booleans in each row are meaningless and latching relays 4-11 will have no effect.

Eg. 3 An RJV/48 with four 6×4 Modules (configured as 4×24)

Path Addressing for 6×4 Modules is as follows:


Port 5Relay 20Relay 21Relay 22Relay 23
Port 4Relay 16Relay 17Relay 18Relay 19
Port 3Relay 12Relay 13Relay 14Relay 15
Port 2Relay 8Relay 9Relay 10Relay 11
Port 1Relay 4Relay 5Relay 6Relay 7
Port 0Relay 0Relay 1Relay 2Relay 3


Sending the command: L0 2; L0 4; L0 9; L1 4; L2 18; L3 15
Followed by S


“0010100001000000000000000” eol Module 0, Port 0 connected to C2, Port 1 connected to C0, Port 2 connected to C1
“0000100000000000000000000” eol Module 1, Port 1 connected to C0
“0000000000000000001000000” eol Module 2, Port 4 connected to C2
“0000000000000001000000000” eol Module 3, Port 3 connected to C3
“0” eol Answerback character

Status Returned Solid State Switches

Solid State Systems such as the DX/256×256 return a list of closed switchpoints identical to the response to the “I” command shown next.

I – Interrogate Command

Syntax: I
The Interrogate function will return a list of all closed switch points.

Eg. Send:  ”I”    Request interrogation.
Receive:  “0,0 eol  Module 0, Switch 0 Closed.
1,6 eol  Module 1, Switch 6 Closed.
3,2 eol”   Module 3, Switch 2 Closed.

NOTE: Upon requesting status or interrogation characters all characters MUST be received by the requesting device. Failure to do this will prevent further use of the system.


Currently, Cytec switches allow only six saved lists and list 0 is always the current  latched points. Valid values for n are 1-6.

  • BS n 73:  Saves the current latched switchpoints in List n
  • BL n 73:   Clears the switch and loads the switch points in List n.
  • BD n 73:   Displays the switch points in List n.
  • BC n 73:   Clears List n.

Error Codes

‘2’ or ‘3’
‘4’ or ‘5’
‘6’ or ‘7’
‘8’ or ‘9’

Completion Status
Successful operation, switch open.
Successful operation, switch closed.
Unknown Command.
Incorrect entries, the number or type of entries was incorrect
Out of limits
Invalid Access Code