LX G type modules interconnect to each other through the LXA motherboard and allow a large variety of different configurations depending on how they are externally interconnected. Up to 16 switch modules may be installed as well as one Signal I/O modules which bring the switched signals out to a common connector. Using this technique it is possible to form an endless arrangement of different configurations.
One pole High power w/ 10 pin ST mate
128 Channel Standard LXA Mainframe. Price includes 16 LED Display Modules. Switch Modules are priced separately.
Two pole high voltage w/ 16 pin ST mate
Two pole Armature medium power w/ 16 pin ST mate
Two pole Type S w/20 pin header connector.
16 Wire, two pole high power ST16 Connector . For group switching one LX8/G2-ST-SIO Signal I/O Module is required per system.