

Switching systems are used in industrial applications where signal paths need to change during production or testing. A common installation is when one set of (often very expensive) test equipment is required to connect to multiple Units Under Test (UUTs).

Cytec switching systems offer the following benefits:

Minimize the cost of specialized equipment – One set of equipment can control or test multiple UUTs.

Minimize the time required to set up different configurations. Changes to the switching configuration can typically be accomplished via a few simple computerized commands. Commands can be issued to Cytec’s systems via standard Ethernet LAN, RS232, and/or IEEE488 interfaces, or optionally via USB and/or Manual Control. Since the switching system is built and configured as a single piece of equipment, it is usually not necessary to laboriously change the positions of multiple discrete switches.

Ensure the repeatability and reliability of switched configurations. Configurations can be pre-programmed into software, automating the switching process and guaranteeing that all tests are 100% repeated. Cytec provides free Software Drivers written in most common modern computer languages. Lists of closed or opened switch points can optionally be stored in the switching system’s control module.

Configuration Options:

When working up the preliminary design of a switching system, it is important to consider the following features:

1) What are the number of inputs? What are the number of outputs? Alternatively, are discrete relays required (I.e., N.O., N.C., SPST, etc.)? Systems with multiple (N) inputs and multiple (M) outputs are termed Switch Matrices. A typical single chassis configuration is a 16×8 or 16×16 matrix. See Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 - Matrix configured at dual 8x16. Can optionally be jumpered to create 16x16

1xN switches are called multiplexers. Cytec offers single chassis multiplexers in sizes ranging from 1×8 to 1×256. Larger muxes can be assembled from multiple chassis systems using external interconnecting cables.

Figure 2 - single chassis microwave switch configured as 156x1 using discrete CXM/12x1 switches and external semi-rigid coaxial interconnects.

Individual switches are called Discrete Switches. Typically these are either FORM C SPDT or FORM A N.O. Cytec can supply standard product Discrete Switches for signals ranging from instrumentation level up to 150 watt DC or 2000 volt-amps. High powers or higher frequencies up to microwaves can be switched using customized systems.

2) What are the signal levels in terms of voltage and frequency? In general terms, switched signals can be broken down into the following general categories:

a) Instrumentation level – typically under 100 V pk and 1 MHz max frequency
b) High Voltage – greater than 100 V pk and less than 5000 v pk. Higher voltages can
be switched but requires custom system – please contact Cytec
c) High Current – typically greater than 1 amp and/or hot switching required.
c) Low level RF from few milliwatts to several watts from 1 MHz to 1000 MHz
d) Low level microwaves up to 18 Ghz standard – 26 or40 Ghz also possible
e) Digital Signals, including RS232, RS422, TTL, 75 ohm TTL, ECL, PECL. LVDS, CML, and Spacewire

3) If analog RF is to be switched, what is the maximum frequency? Minimum frequency? If single-ended, what is the impedance, 50 or 75 ohms? Is the signal two wires (I.e. twisted-pair)? What is the maximum RF power?
a) 50 ohm single-ended available connectors include BNCs, SMAs, 2.92 (frequencies up to 40 GHz)
c) 75 ohm single-ended signal connectors include F and BNCs.
b) Two-wire connectors include ‘plastic’BNCs, Twin BNCs, TriaxAx.

The above categories are not all-inclusive. For example, higher powers or current may be switching utilizing custom designs. High Isolation and/or Low Leakage switches are also offered. Contact Cytec more information.

4) Are multiwire Network signals being switched? These signals are typically 2, 4, or 8 wire twisted pairs (1, 2 or 4 pairs) routed via RJ45 style connectors. Cytec’s RJM and RJV Series have been designed for this requirement.

5) Is there a requirement for multiwire signals to be switched? This type of switching requires a Group Switch. Signals are usually instrumentation-level. Cytec offers the RSM Series of matrices switching up to 25 wires on D connectors, and the RS and GX Series of multiplexers switching up to 100 wires. Due to the versatile nature of many of Cytec’s products, the LX and VX Series can sometimes also be used for 1xN, multiwire instrumentation level signal switching.